Wenyuan Li |
Research | Notes | Teaching |
I am a (postdoctoral) Assistant Professor (RTPC) in Mathematics at University of Southern California starting from Fall 2023, working with Professor Harold Williams. Here is my CV. I obtained my PhD degree at Northwestern University in Spring 2023 under the supervision of Professor Emmy Murphy and Professor Eric Zaslow. I obtained my Bachelor's degree at Peking University in China. Email: wenyuan.li at usc.edu Office: KAP 424A, USC. |
Research My research interest is symplectic/contact topology. It originates from the study of 'phase spaces' in classical mechanics, where one considers the space encoding both the location and the momentum of the particles. The word 'symplectic' is borrowed from ancient Greek which means 'complex' (I learned this from Professor Ivan Smith's ICM talk). More specifically, my research interest is in symplectic/contact invariants coming from microlocal sheaf theory, especially invariants of Legendrian and Lagrangian submanifolds and its relation to invariants coming from pseudo-holomorphic curves or generating families. I am also trying to understand their connections between symplectic geometry and cluster algebras, mirror symmetry, noncommutative geometry and persistence modules. I am interested in the flexibility side of symplectic/contact topology (in higher dimensions) involving h-principles as well. |
Papers and Preprints
Research Notes
Notes |
Teaching Instructor
Teaching Assistant |
External links |